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U.S. NCVA Cryptologic Awards

2019 CAPT Rochefort Leadership award: CDR Jeffrey L. Burke, USN, NIOC Hawaii presented by RADM Daniel J. MacDonnel, Deputy Chief, Central Security Service, National Security Agency
2019 Outstanding Navy Cryptologist of the Year: CTTCS(SW/EXW/IW/AW/PJ) John Mendoza, USN presented by RADM Daniel J. MacDonnell, Deputy Chief, Central Security Service, National Security Agency
2019 Outstanding Marine Corps Cryptologist of the Year: MSGT Kenneth R. Phillips, Jr. USMC, presented by RADM Daniel J. MacDonnell, Deputy Chief, Central Security Service, National Security Agency
2019 US NCVA Cryptologic Support Excellence Award, CTM1(IW/SG) Matthew D. Smith, USN, presented by RADM Daniel J. MacDonnell, Deputy Chief, Central Security Service, National Security Agency
2018 CAPT Rochefort Leadership award: CWO4 Jarvis J. Ware, USN
2018 OTRG UCMC Cryptologist of the Year: MSGT Brian S. Geraghty, USMC
2018 OTRG USN Cryptologist of the Year: CTTCS(IW/SW/EXW) Matthew Ballard, USN
2016 CAPT Rochefort Leadership award: CDR Michael C. Elliot with VADM Tighe
2016 OTRG USN Cryptologist of the Year: CTTCS (SW/AW) Sheenah M. Jedrykowski, USN with VADM Tighe and FMC Penny Tardona
2016 OTRG UCMC Cryptologist of the Year: GYSGT Charles E. Gutensohn, USMC with VADM Tighe
2016 CSE Award: CTMC (IDW/SW/AW) Gregory G. Neesham, USNR with VADM Tighe
2015 CAPT Rochefort Leadership award: CDR James W. Adkisson III
2015 OTRG award: MSGT Leon Ramowith with VADM J. Tighe
2014 OTRG award: GYSGT John F. Kirk IV with RADM J. Clusen & Bill Hickey
2014 CSE award: CTMCS(IDW) Ricky L. Pottebaum with RADM J. Clusen & Bill Hickey
2013 CAPT Rochefort Leadership award: LCDR Lemuel 'Seth' Lawrence with VADM Rogers
2013 OTRG award: MGYSGT Steven B. Vega with VADM M. Rogers
2013 CSE award: CTMCS(IDW/SS) Michael J. Bunnell with VADM M. Rogers
2012 OTRG award: CTRCM(IDW/SW) James D. Eaton
2012 OTRG award: MSGT Douglas Grimmett
2012 CSE award: CTMC(IDW/SS) Jeremy D. Para
2011 Awards: RADM Bill Leigher with CTTCM(SW/EW) Larry H. Dean, Jr. (OTRG), CTMC(AW/SW) Michael & Maria Tudor (CSE), ET1(SW) Christopher M. Burton (CSE), Sonya & MSGT James B. Hillyer (OTRG), and RADM Jerry Clusen
2010 CSE Award: CTRCM(SW) Steven Chaney with RADM Deets
2010 CSE Award: CTMC(SG) David Hurley with RADM Deets
2009 Awards: RADM Tom Kendziorski with CTMC Paul McGarvy (CSE), EN1 Michael Watson (CSE), GYSGT Shannon Baker (OTRG), CTRCS(NAC) Jonathan Maddalena (OTRG) & Force Master Chief Chuck Craig
2008 Awards: RADM Edward Deets with SSGT Brian M. Rogers (CSE), GYSGT Ryan M. Truitt (OTRG), Mrs. Ruth Bass & CTRCM(SW/NAC) Joseph F. Bass (OTRG), Mrs. Joan Earnshaw & CTMC(SS) John E. Earnshaw (CSE), CTN1(IUSS) Patrick Griffin (CSE)
2007 OTRG award: CTICM(AW/NAC/SW) Ernest T. Ayres with RADM Deets
2007 OTRG award: MSGT Jason Confer with RADM Deets
2007 CSE award: CTMCM(SS) Brent Barnes with RADM Deets
2006 OTRG award: MSGT Miguel Rodriguez with RADM Deets
2006 OTRG award: CTRCM(SW/AW) Anthony Perez with RADM Deets
2006 CSE award: CTMC(SW/AW) Jeffery M. Urness with RADM Deets
2004 OTRG award: GYSGT Steven Berry with Grady Lewis
2004 CSE award: CTACM(SW) Gerald L. Burgess with Grady Lewis
2004 CSE award: CTA1 Deborah Kolar with Grady Lewis
2004 CSE award: SSGT James Watkins with Grady Lewis

Gallery honoring Navy and Marine Corps recipients of annual Commander, Naval Security Group / Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command awards.