Politics | We do not publish partisan political statements or politically-charged content. |
Content |
We do not publish reference files that include insults or profanity or that promote racism or sexism. Decisions by the Web Administrators regarding violations of these standards are final. You may, of course, protest their decision and whine about political correctness. But the Web Administrators are Chiefs and Chiefs are never wrong. |
Images |
Ensure that you have copyright permission to use any images you submit. Caption your images—this is easy to do if you use the content editor; if you embed images in a document file, include the captions in the file and also send the image files separately from your document. |
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If you submit a file, you can use these file formats: .pdf, .jpg, .png, .webp, .gif, .doc, .docx. NOTE: Documents (doc, docx) will be converted to PDF documents prior to publication as downloadable files. |
Review |
The Web administrator will review files submitted for publication to ensure compliance with these standards. Content authors must submit any content containing information of or references to U.S. Navy cryptologic service or experience for formal Pre-Publication Review. Authors must submit to the Webmaster a copy of the results of the Pre-Publication review before their article will be published online. |