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Politics | We do not publish partisan political links or politically-charged content. |
Relevance | Check the link categories we have set up—in most cases, links you submit should “fit” in one of these. If you want us to set up another category, please email your suggestion to the administrator. |
Non-Commercial | We do not publish links to commercial Websites—that is, those whose primary purpose is to sell content (blogs), services, or retail items—because the U.S. NCVA will not endorse products or services. |
Source Content |
We do not publish links that include insults or profanity or that promote racism or sexism. Decisions by the administrator regarding violations of these guidelines are final. You may, of course, protest the decision and whine about political correctness. The administrator is a Chief and Chiefs are never wrong. |
Review | All submitted web links are reviewed by the administrator to ensure compliance with these guidelines and to assign them to the proper category. |