HAM Radio

Training, U.S. HAM Radio regulations, and Safety documents directly relating to Amateur Radio operations.

Radio Frequency Devices
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This part sets out the regulations under which an intentional, unintentional, or incidental radiator may be operated without an individual license.

Construction, Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures
 169.45 KB

The rules in this part are issued pursuant to the authority contained in Title III of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended.

The purpose of this part is to provide guidance for the use of the radio spectrum in a period of war.

Station License Required
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The station apparatus must be under the physical control of a person named in an amateur station license grant.

CFR Title 47:97 - Amateur Radio Service
 234.25 KB

The rules and regulations in this part are designed to provide an amateur radio service having a
fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principles.

Communications Act of 1934
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For the purpose of regulating interstate and foreign commerce in communication by wire and

Changes in Part 97 With Regard to Station Identification
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We have before us three petitions requesting changes to Section 97.119 of the Commission’s Rules, which governs amateur station identification.

Request for Temporary Waiver of Sections 97.3(c)(5) and 97.307(f)(8)
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This Order grants a request from the American Radio Relay League, Inc., (ARRL) for a temporary waiver to allow amateur stations to use additional emission types when transmitting voice or data ommunications.

Lightning Protection for the Amateur Station (I)
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How to develop a lightning protection plan.

Lightning Protection for the Amateur Station (II)
 1.08 MB

This installment shows the type of protection to apply and how to design the protective installation.

Lightning Protection for the Amateur Station (III)
 1.33 MB

How to develop a good external ground system to complete your station’s protection.

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