Oh, Those Days of No Wine, No Roses
Stabilizers? What's a Stabilizer?
Some Assignments Were Hard To Leave
Fly The Friendly Skies of VQ...
Who needs Air Conditioning?
The Creator has a Sense of Humor
Our Home Away from Home!
Go from Frame 242 to Frame 14 in less than 3 minutes?
USS Liberty
Back on the first Pogy Run...

U.S. Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association

Welcome Aboard, Shipmate!

We are a unique organization of active, retired, and honorably discharged U.S. Navy Cryptologists, past and present.

We are focused on the preservation of our rich cryptologic history and the personal and social ties we developed with our Shipmates.

C'mon In!
c10flt fleet cyber command naval information warfare training goup iwtc corry station

Join Us!

Every enlisted member or officer who has served or is serving in the cryptologic field is eligible to join the U.S. NCVA!

Get Started...

Cryptologic Command Display

If you live in Pensacola, are Wintering over, or on vacation - help us out. It would be greatly appreciated!

Check Out Our Opportunities

"Tech Support" Scams

If someone calls you asking for remote access to your computer, hang up immediately. Be aware of tactics and keywords scammers use.

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